Condolences for the cold drop

From Artal Smart Agriculture, we want to express our deepest condolences to all the relatives and friends of those who died due to the devastating cold drop that has mainly hit the province of Valencia, as well as to all those affected by the incalculable material damage.

In these tragic moments, we want to especially remember the Valencian company Tarazona Solutions, and deeply regret the irreparable loss suffered by our colleague Antonio Tarazona, to whom we convey our maximum support and affection.

At the same time, in the greatest meteorological tragedy of the last decades, we want to thank all those people who have written to us worrying about us and wanting to know if we were fine -collaborators, clients and suppliers- as well as express our pride and gratitude to the Valencian people, who have been involved from the first moment with those most in need, and our gratitude to the thousands of volunteers who have traveled from all points of Spain to collaborate and to the local and state security forces who are working tirelessly these terrible days.

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