ARTAL AGRINUTRIENTS just launched a series of products recently developed by the R+D+i Department. Its four latest innovations are competitive and of quality formulas according to the current demands of plant physiology, which show that the centenary company continues to bet on development of high added value products that contribute to the optimization of crops in terms of quality, production and profitability.
Thus, its large catalogue of plant nutrition products is completed this year with these four hormones-free products: Flowal CaB, calcium and boron corrector with gluconic acid and ethanolamine, that improves the quality and consistency of fruits; Superset, a natural inducer of flowering and setting, which facilitates flower fertilization and germination of the pollen grain; Mobile K, high mobility organic potassium of rapid absorption, that advances fattening, coloring and maturation of fruits; and ArtalMax Fruit, a last generation potassium that increases caliber and size of fruits and vegetables, also improving the sugars content. The four products are now available to ARTAL AGRINUTRIENTS clients, having a very good reception from the first few weeks of marketing by farmers, who continue to rely on the Spanish company to improve the quality of their crops.